Sunday, May 21, 2006

Perth South Outsmarts St Marys

Yesterday's Stratford Beacon Herald has a feature article on rezoning of land just south of St Marys Arena.

When St Marys Council gave the go ahead for the Arena Expansion they made the land south of it, which happens to be in Perth South, a lot more valuable. Last October, Perth South Council anticipated St Marys actions and did the rational thing and rezoned the land to promote development. Now, St Marys is crying foul and appealing to the Ontario Municipal Board.

What St Marys should have done is either 1) annex the 120 acres being rezoned before committing to the Arena Expansion project or 2) get Perth South to contribute to the project. As it stands now, not only will St Marys taxpayers be subsidizing Perth South residents who use the new facility but also St Marys will be losing tax revenue to Perth South that new development will generate.

The preliminary Ontario Municipal Board hearing to see if St Marys even has a case is June 2.


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